Take Norman Mailer’s America, Fall 2018.

82034 HUMN 4472.01 Hybrid Online TR 12:30–1:45
Novelist, journalist, director, provocateur, pugilist — love him or hate him, Norman Mailer was an integral part of the culture of twentieth-century America.
This section of Studies in Culture will look at the decade of the sixties in America through the eyes of one of its most controversial artists and public intellectuals. We will examine “America” as it grew out of World War II, through the turmoil of the sixties though Mailer’s novels, films, journalism, and other cultural texts. This is the country that Mailer loved and hated, the country that made him who he was, and the country that all his efforts tried to make better. This is Norman Mailer’s America.
As this section of HUMN 4472 is taught partially online. Please be sure you are aware of the implications before attempting it.