Drive South covid-19: day 622 | US: GA | info | act

What started out as a foggy, cold day, turned sunny as soon as I crossed into Florida around noon. I chose to drive the Accord this time, but I regretted that decision as soon as I crossed the state line. Still, the motorcycle would have been pretty uncomfortable this morning, but the ride for the rest of the day would have been beautiful. Still, riding a motorcycle in December would be risky.
I made it to Kip’s about 3:30—just about seven hours from Macon. Not bad. The traffic only really began to get stupid around Tampa. Still, I had some Podcasts and an excellent assortment of tunes from Apple Music that made the drive all the more pleasant. The sunset was obscured by the fog that seemingly followed me from Georgia that morning, but we had a nice dinner at Smoking’ Jerry’s.
I’m so thankful that Kip and I have reconnected and have managed to stay close now since the pandemic began. I am grateful for his friendship and generosity: he’s really made me fell as if his home here is mine, too. Thanks, Kip.
And similarly, thanks to Autumn and Henry for sharing me. I know I was just in Florida in September, and you are both very understanding to allow me to do this again so soon. I love you guys, and I know you’¬l have a fun weekend on your own.