Requirement | %[1] |
Reading | 30% |
Writing | 60% |
Attendance | 10% |
This course is composed of three general requirements: reading, writing, and attendance. The two former requirements will be on-going throughout the semester, will require regular contributions, and may be comprised of various assignments. Since this is a discussion and workshop course, attendance is crucial to your success and will be calculated into your grade.
Each lesson’s major focus will be reading primary texts (the literature) and secondary texts (critical response to the literature). Reading quizzes will test your knowledge of the materials, focusing on factual details like plot points, rather than interpretative readings. Students should take thorough notes as they read—like character names, plot points, and other details—that will help them on quizzes and later analysis of the texts in their writing.
Reading quizzes and in-class assignments cannot be made up for any reason.
Students will research and write four (4) formal, interpretative essays that will both address a work of literature we have read for and discussed in class and apply a critical approach and secondary support to interpreting that piece of literature. These essays should be 3–5 pages and formatted correctly in MLA style. See the “Essays” tab above for the specific assignment and instructions for each essay.
Each student starts off with a perfect attendance score. Each class absence subtracts 10 points; tardies will cost 5 points. Note, too, students will also be held accountable for the official attendance policy under course policies.
Required Materials

Our introduction to college literary studies this semester will have two required texts:
- Sipiora, Phillip (January 1, 1994). Reading and Writing About Literature. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
- Wilson, August (2020) [1984]. Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. New York: Plume. ISBN 9780593184967.
Your course book(s) or readings should always accompany you to class, as we will make heavy use of them in our daily discussions. Please do not come to class without it: we need the texts for class activities, in-class writing, and all aspects of our study. PDFs must be printed if they are used in class—this includes exams. Failure to do so will earn you an absence
.You should also bring an ink interface of some sort, as well as dead trees on which to take notes. Notes should not only reflect good listening skills, but individual interest in every topic discussed in class.
Deep Dives
This course makes use of a service called Deep Dives by Packback and is a required service for all students. Deep Dives will be used to assess independent research skills and improve academic communication through long-form writing assignments such as essays, papers, and case studies. While completing the summative writing prompts on Deep Dives, you will interact with a Research Assistant that will help you gather your notes and cite your sources, and Digital Writing Assistant for in-the-moment feedback and guidance on your writing. See the “Essays” tab for more information.
- ↑ This is the general percentage breakdown for these requirements. As I use a point system for evaluation, the percentages are just an estimate.
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