Stuff Going On
Well, we're off.
Yes, another semester has started with a bang. I have finally finished my course prep and posted my last syllabus online for a class that begins tonight. I even have my second session course’s syllabus finished. It's an interesting semester: I didn't get my usual New Media senior seminar, but I also didn't get a Freshman composition course. I have three online classes and one traditional, in-class section of World Literature 2. Should be a good semester, teaching-wise. I'm particularly looking forward to what my students do in the Writing for Digital Media course. More on that, soon.
I'll be traveling to New Orleans in April for the national PCA/ACA conference. I wrote a proposal for a paper on Poe’s “Ligeia” and Lem’s Solaris. The abstract was crap, but I have a bit of time to tease it out. I can't wait to get back to NOLA; it's been too long, and since before Katrina. I’m hoping that A can go with me and that Kip will meet me there for a couple of days.
I've also been invited to read AP literature exams in early June. Since it's early June, I’ll be able to go. It will be in Louisville, KY for a week. It pays a pretty good stipend, so I might be able to get away with teaching only one class in May. We'll see. I'm still on-track to teach in London beginning at the end of June. If you're interested in going with me, there's still time to sign up.
Finally, I’m trying to get healthy again by eating correctly and exercising regularly. This is difficult, but so far I’m doing OK. Hopefully I’ll notice a difference soon.
Should be an interesting year...