Drink up, Dreamers, You Are Running Dry

And we’re back. Henry has gone off for his first day of school, and I finally have back my work time.
My class is coming to an end, and I’ve already been working on my fall syllabi. I have a conference presentation to write on McLuhan and Mailer, a book chapter to write on the “political resonance” of Norman Mailer, and now a new book review to do for volume 12 of the Review. I feel like I’m getting behind, though I always seem to be working.
I have also been re-posting some of my old blog posts from back when I used Moveable Type. Again, I’m not sure who’s going to be interested, but it’s fun to take that nostalgic ride sometimes. Some of them aren’t dumb.
Today’s song: Peter Gabriel’s remake of “Here Comes the Flood” on Robert Fripp’s Exposure. (Here’s a cheesy video. Wouldn’t “Waves of steel hurled metal at the sky” be a metaphor for an army throwing spears? People are so literal.) Haunting, powerful, archetypal. I might like this version better than with the full orchestra on PG’s first solo album. Have a listen (his older voice here might even sound better).