CRN 27081
engl 3900.02
tr 12:30–1:45 h-online
Spring 2020
Campus |
- Macon, GA
- 100 University Parkway
- 31206
| |
Department | |
Office |
- SOAL-227
- second floor, School of Arts and Letters Building
Office Hours |
- MT: 10:00–11:00
- WR: 10:00–11:00
- F by email appt
- Zoom 📆
Email |
- gerald.lucas
- Email is the best and quickest way to contact me.
Voice | |
I try to make myself as available as much as possible during the first couple weeks of a semester, including evenings and weekends. If you need to chat with me, schedule a video conference via Zoom or Teams, if necessary. Please do not expect a response after 5pm on weekdays or anytime during the weekend. I may be available, but I also need some down time. Thanks for your understanding.