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From Gerald R. Lucas

-- This module implements

local p = {}

local templatestyles = 'Template:Gallery/styles.css'

local function trim(s) return mw.ustring.gsub(mw.ustring.gsub(s, '%s', ' '), '^%s*(.-)%s*$', '%1') end

local tracking, preview

local function checkarg(k,v) if k and type(k) == 'string' then if k == 'align' or k == 'state' or k == 'style' or k == 'title' or k == 'width' or k == 'height' or k == 'lines' or k == 'whitebg' or k == 'mode' or k == 'footer' or k == 'perrow' or k == 'noborder' or k:match('^alt%d+$') or k:match('^%d+$') then -- valid elseif k == 'captionstyle' then if not v:match('^text%-align%s*:%s*center[;%s]*$') then table.insert(tracking, ) end else -- invalid local vlen = mw.ustring.len(k) k = mw.ustring.sub(k, 1, (vlen < 25) and vlen or 25) k = mw.ustring.gsub(k, '[^%w\-_ ]', '?') table.insert(tracking, ) table.insert(preview, '"' .. k .. '"') end end end

function -- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template. -- Otherwise, for testing purposes, assume args are being passed directly in. local origArgs = (type(frame.getParent) == 'function') and frame:getParent().args or frame

   -- ParserFunctions considers the empty string to be false, so to preserve the previous 

-- behavior of

, change any empty arguments to nil, so Lua will consider

   -- them false too.
   local args = {}
   tracking, preview = {}, {}
   for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
   	if v ~=  then
   		args[k] = v


if (args.mode or ) == 'packed' and (args.align or ) == then args.align = 'center' end

local tbl = mw.html.create('div') tbl:addClass('mod-gallery')

if args.state then tbl :addClass('mod-gallery-collapsible') :addClass('collapsible') :addClass(args.state) end

if then tbl:cssText( else tbl:addClass('mod-gallery-default') end

if args.align then tbl:addClass('mod-gallery-' .. args.align:lower()) end

if args.title then tbl:tag('div') :addClass('title') :tag('div') :wikitext(args.title) end

local gargs = {} gargs['class'] = 'nochecker' .. (args.noborder and or ' bordered-images') gargs['widths'] = tonumber(args.width) or 180 gargs['heights'] = tonumber(args.height) or 180 gargs['style'] = 'line-height:130%;' .. (args['captionstyle'] or ) gargs['perrow'] = args.perrow gargs['mode'] = args.mode if args.whitebg then gargs['class'] = gargs['class'] .. ' whitebg' end

local gallery = {}

local imageCount = math.ceil(#args / 2)

   for i = 1, imageCount do

local img = trim(args[i*2 - 1] or ) local caption = trim(args[i*2] or ) local alt = trim(args['alt' .. i] or ) if img ~= then table.insert(gallery, img .. (alt ~= and ('|alt=' .. alt) or ) .. '|' .. caption ) end end

tbl:tag('div') :addClass('main') :tag('div') :wikitext( frame:extensionTag{ name = 'gallery', content = '\n' .. table.concat(gallery,'\n'), args = gargs} )

if args.footer then tbl:tag('div') :addClass('footer') :tag('div') :wikitext(args.footer) end

local trackstr = (#tracking > 0) and table.concat(tracking, ) or if #preview > 0 and frame:preprocess( "1023" ) == "" then trackstr = tostring(mw.html.create('div') :addClass('hatnote') :css('color','red') :tag('strong'):wikitext('Warning:'):done() :wikitext('Unknown parameters: ' .. table.concat(preview, '; '))) end

return frame:extensionTag{ name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = templatestyles} } .. tostring(tbl) .. trackstr end

return p