- What is “amateur culture,” both before the digital age and since?
- What is “professional culture” and how did it develop?
- Lessig points out a conflict raging between technology and law. What are the implications of this war?
- Why is it important in a digital age to make artistic productions easily available?
- What is BitTorrent, and what is the largest site for torrents on the Internet?
- Once it’s released, who owns culture?
- What does Lessig mean by “remix” and why is it “an essential act of RW creativity”?
- Lessig argues that we must protect RO culture, but not at the expense of RW (90). What does he mean, and how does he propose to do it?
- What does the music community in general think of current copyright laws and “illegal” downloading? What about other artists?
- What defines “convergence culture” and/or “participatory culture”? How does it relate to Lessig’s concerns?