- C
- C19
- CNone
- CSS3 multiple column layout
- Calendar
- Calendar, clock, date and time computing templates
- Calendar/4-column
- Calendar/Sun1stMonthStartMon
- Calendar/Sun1stMonthStartSat
- Calendar/doc
- Calendar/isoMonthStartMon
- Calendar/month/link off
- Calendar/month/link on
- Canceled
- Canon
- Canon 1.4/50 LTM
- Cat
- Category handler
- Category link
- Category link with count
- Category other
- Category redirect
- Category redirect/doc
- Caution
- Cc-by-sa-4.0
- Ce
- Center
- Chart bottom
- Chart top
- Chronology citation needed
- Citation
- Citation/lua
- Citation needed
- Citation needed/doc
- Citation needed span
- Cite *
- Cite AV media
- Cite AV media notes
- Cite arXiv
- Cite arXiv/doc/new
- Cite bioRxiv
- Cite book
- Cite conference
- Cite encyclopedia
- Cite episode
- Cite interview
- Cite journal
- Cite magazine
- Cite mailing list
- Cite map
- Cite news
- Cite newsgroup
- Cite podcast
- Cite press release
- Cite report
- Cite serial
- Cite sign
- Cite speech
- Cite techreport
- Cite thesis
- Cite web
- Clarify
- Clear
- Clickable button
- Clickable button/doc
- Clickable button 2
- Clickable button 2/doc
- Clr
- Cmbox
- Cnote
- Cnote2
- Cnote2 Begin
- Cnote2 End
- Code
- Codett
- Collapse
- Collapse/doc
- Collapse bottom
- Collapse top
- Collapsible lists option
- Collapsible option
- Collapsible templates
- Colon
- Color-Skopar 3.5/21
- Column-gap
- Column-generating template families
- Column-rule
- Column-width
- Comma separated entries
- Commons
- Communication
- Communication/doc
- CompFAQ-foot
- CompFAQ-head
- CompFAQ-head-dw
- CompFAQ Search
- Comp Links
- Coord
- CopyrightByGRLucas
- Course Information
- Course footer
- Courses
- Courses/doc
- Covid
- Covid/doc
- Covid21
- Covid21/doc
- Cquote
- Cref
- Cref2
- Cross
- Crossreference
- Cs1
- Cs2
- Cslist
- Cslist/styles.css
- Currentmonth
- Currentyear
- Cv-tabs