Writing for Digital Media, Summer 2019/Week 6: July 1

From Gerald R. Lucas
< Writing for Digital Media, Summer 2019
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Syllabus RQ1 RQ2 RQ3 W1 W2 W3 W4 W5 W6 W7 W8  
58774 & 59513 NMAC 3108.01–.02 Online Summer, 2019

Now that you’ve improved your draft based on others’ feedback, it’s time to move your work live — to the “mainspace.” Now's the time to revisit your text and refine your work. You may do more research and find missing information; rewrite the lead section to represent all major points; reorganize the text to communicate the information better; or add images and other media.


  • Carroll, ch. 9, “Public Relations in a Digital Age.”



  • Your eleventh journal entry on a topic of your choosing.
    • Comment on at least one other classmate’s post.
  • Your twelfth journal entry on a topic of your choosing.
    • Comment on at least one other classmate’s post.


  1. Likely you have been editing the Wikipedia “mainspace” for a while now, but if not — now is the time.