January 6, 2020
Good morning,
You are receiving this email because you are registered for NMAC 5108 Writing and Publishing in Digital Environments for the Spring 2020 first session. I’m writing to send your syllabus, available on my web site: <https://grlucas.net/grl/Writing_and_Publishing_in_Digital_Environments,_Spring_2020>. It is also linked in D2L, but I do not use the university’s LMS; everything you need for the class is contained in the link above.
I look forward to seeing everyone online. Please read the syllabus carefully before beginning. It contains much information, so refer to it first if you have questions. You may always contact me via email if necessary, but I encourage you to use the online tools for communication, as the first lesson will explain.
Please note: you must accomplish a couple of assignments the first week of class in order to not be reported as a “no-show” to the Registrar. These are detailed on the schedule.