A Contract but No Oven
Good news: SUNY Press has sent the contract for Lipton’s Journal. There still might be a bit of negotiating to do between Wylie (the Mailer Estate) and SUNY, but I’m not a buzzard who will be fighting for any of that meat. Lipton’s is coming together: I’m working on the index now, and after that, I think we’ll just need one more copyedit to check endnote numbers. We have until November 15 to get the completed MS to SUNY Press. Definitely doable.

And in the you-should-fucking-know-better category... This morning, I was up early for the delivery of our new oven, expecting the worst after the delays we’ve already had. Of course, my expectations were not disappointed. Well, the delivery guys showed up before 08:00, and I was surprised. They got to work and immediately had to stop. The current even is electrically hard-wired into the house, and they “cannot touch that.” I was annoyed, but it was not their fault, and of course we want a professional to take care of the wiring. (Yeah, I love uncovering shoddy work that previous owners have done to the house. I wonder what else awaits us?) So they left and took our new oven back to the warehouse, I guess. Now to find an electrician. I wonder how long this delay will be?
I took today’s photo of Autumn after getting home from my ride yesterday. We were enjoying the lovely afternoon with a couple of beverages before dinner, just chatting about the day, and I thought she looked lovely. Here’s my evidence, straight from the M8.
The Leica M8 continues to impress. Today, I should be getting my Peek Design Sling, a proper IR cut filter, and my little lug rings to attach my strap anchor links. I missed purchasing a replacement Nokton Classic 1.4/40 off of eBay that was under $300, but I figure I have what I need for now, so I can save for that lens and the Color-Skopar 3.5/21 I’d also like to have. I might take a few minutes this morning and list a few lenses on eBay to help.
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