Fall Prep
October is tomorrow, so it was time to get the spooky decorations out. The weather has been cool and beautiful, a start contrast to only a week ago. The summer started with an extreme heatwave; maybe the fall is apologizing with this early pleasant weather. I’ll take it.

Autumn and Henry busied themselves with decorations, and I grabbed the Leica M8. I shot a few photos and then grabbed a beer to sit and enjoy the Friday afternoon. The week felt longer than a bad date. I had picked up some El Sombrero earlier, and it was waiting until we got hungry. I had a couple of beers. The afternoon was lovely. See more images in the gallery.
We’ve been waiting weeks to have our new gas oven delivered, but the first time, the delivery crew discovered that the electric had been directly hooked up to the oven from the wall. They can’t “mess with the electric,” so we’ve been trying to find an electrician ever since. Why are things like this so difficult? Well, we have an appoint for the “first thing on Monday,” with a new company, so maybe it’ll finally happen. I think I could have done it myself—I did find out what breaker powers the stove—but Autumn says it “needs to be done right.” I agree. In fact, I think a rule to live by might be Don’t do shitty work—especially if it will ultimately cause someone else difficulty.
So, Autumn wants me to be here Monday morning for the electrician which delays my trip south. I could have left Sunday, but that’s fine. Kip is going to be there for a while, and I’m not sure how much help I’ll be with house repairs anyway. Fortunately, his house was spared major damage, based on his initial assessment. It is still without power, and the area also has no gasoline or cell service, so Kip rented a place in downtown Sarasota. At least I’ll be able to hang with him for a few days. I heard from my friend Kelly, and she and her family are fine, too, thank goodness.
I wanted to take the GS, but it looks like the delay will have me driving. C’est la vie.
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