Audi Call
I spoke with Audi USA today about my small car issues: basically I can’t get Audi Connect working, my navigation maps are out of date, and I need a spare key (who turns in a car with only one key? I hope she got charged). The first issues was easily solved: they’re sending me a new SIM. The second one is a bit more of a problem. It seems that my car can only hold (accept?) a certain amount of updates. Period. It’s a limitation of the software, or something. She told me Audi is working on a fix. I hope they are, but I will not hold my breath. Too bad; I’d really like to use the nav, but no biggie. I guess I’ll just get a phone mount (since it seems, too, that SiriusXM is never going to get traffic working on my car).
It appears that I’m going have to go through a dealer to get a spare key. I wonder what that will cost? I called Audi of South Atlanta, but had to leave a message. Supposedly, he’ll get back with me in “less than twenty-four hours.” I hope so.
Still dealing with the fallout from Simple ending bill pay. Man, once you send money to a company, good luck getting it back. That’s all I’ll say about that.