We got a lazy start this morning, but Walt and I managed to work on our fall syllabi this morning. We chatted about what to include, though I think he and I are taking different approaches to British Lit II. I reworked my poetry coding and posted Keats’ poem “On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer” to try it out. I think this might be a good way to model a close reading of a poem for my students. It might be fun to have them do their own wiki post of a close reading...
Yeah, I’m still considering resurrecting LitWiki for my new life in the English Department. We’ll see...
I went for a walk around the neighborhood and went about 4 miles. I’m leaving tomorrow, so I need to be sure to get some good rest tonight. I plan to make it to Columbia for lunch (maybe Indian), then maybe go to Augusta via I-20. We’ll see how how it goes. Tomorrow afternoon might be rainy.