My ENGL 1101 students are writing their first essay. I decided to do all essays in-class, using workshop to revise. I’m not certain yet how I’ll do that, but I’ll figure something out. Both of my 1101 classes are coming along better now, it seems, so maybe I’m on to a new approach. Just as long as they are all Marxists, feminists, and atheists by the time they leave me. 🤣
I’ve been spending quite a bit of time getting poetry posted for my ENGL 2122 course that’s going on now. For example, I posted Matthew Arnold’s “Dover Beach” with an introduction, notes, and questions. I’ve been following this format for each of the new poems, and getting some help from ChatGTP. Otherwise, I would be spending a lot more time doing this. I think they’re pretty helpful. Some of these I have back-dated.
Giles and I took a ride up to Trader Joe’s in Athens yesterday, and it kicked my ass for some reason. I think I have a bit of a cold, maybe. The weather was pretty nice, though a bit warm on the ride back. It was good to get back on the BMW R 1200 GS—my first real ride since returning home from Austin. I hope to have plenty of opportunities in the fall.

Autumn and I got our financing paperwork into Robins for the house addition. The loan officer said it should take 2–3 weeks before they get back to us. I assume that getting the permits will be next; I need get on that. Maybe we’ll be able to break ground next month. Wouldn’t that be sweet? Giles and I have been discussing audio equipment. I’m seriously considering the Galion TS 120SE since I have yet to read a negative review. It’s the same price as the McIntosh MA252 and not half as winsome as the latter (in fact, I don’t really like the look of the Galion much at all). The Heaven11 Billie and the Rogue Audio The Cronus Magnum III are also still in the running. This is exciting.
I have to start writing an article on “The Time of Her Time” for Phil. As I will likely not be getting to the book in the near future, at least I can do some work with the research I did this summer and maybe some stuff I wrote in the past.