Too Distracted
I have papers to grade—the first essay of my ENGL 1102 class this semester. However, I’m too distracted. I found a couple of used pairs of DeVore O/96es for sale on Pitch Perfect’s website. At first I dismissed them, as Pitch Perfect is in San Francisco, but after reconsidering and since used DeVores are so rare, I inquired about them. There’s a newer pair for $11.5K and an older pair with a couple of minor scratches for $9.5K. Apparently, the latter pair is in New Orleans, so I could potentially pick them up. PP’s owner, Matthew, chatted with me a bit about the speakers, then sent me some additional images, like the one here.

The speakers appear to be in good shape—even Autumn liked the look of them. How could she not? According to Matthew, they are 10 years old, have had one owner who takes impeccable care of his equipment, and have been in one place for all that time. Being ten-years-old is not a concern for a well made speaker, and DeVore has not changed or upgraded the O/96 since it was introduced. The cost of shipping from NOLA would be about $300, and the owner does not have the original boxes. However, Matthew said he would give me even more of a discount, if I could pick the speakers up. Based on the size of the speakers, they should fit just fine in the back of MY. New Orleans is about 500 miles from here, and I would need a couple of charging stops. Still, I could go over, spend the night, pick up the speakers the next morning, and head back—two days.
I’m about to do this. Again, like the O/babies, I have not read a negative about these speakers—people seem to love them. See the accolades on DeVore’s web site. I am a bit concerned about the size of my room, but apparently 18'x12' should be enough space to let the speakers breathe. Changes are, though, I will not need my subwoofer, as the O/96es are rated down to 26Hz. If I sold that and my Sonettos, I could recoup most of my money—well a good chunk of it anyway.
Today could be the day. Then I just have to plan the roadtrip.