Little Henry Lucas— Did I say “little”? —not even! Henry’s aged another year, And has grown into seven! He’s getting so tall, But baby teeth want to stay. He now wears his hair short And matures by the day. He tolerates his father, And snuggles with Mom. He’s not sure about Bobo, but Thinks a dog would be the bomb. He listens to all types of music— Likes a playground to climb. Enjoys playing chess, But prefers his screen time. Minecraft and Netflix YouTube he finds fitting; He watches videos for hours, But he also loves knitting. He’s moved up to first grade— At Montessori he studies. He digs pizza day, And has lots of good buddies. He’s now learning piano A book a day he has read; He’s always tired after school, But has trouble going to bed. His room is bursting with stuff— Owns more than any other— “Not one thing can go!” he says, and Happily ignores all the clutter. He’s learning sarcasm; Gets impatient with Dad; Rolls his eyes at his mom, But is still cute when he’s mad. Don’t call him “Princess”— He won’t respond to like quips; He’ll flash the stink eye When Dad calls him “tender lips.” To Mom he’s a cool kid. To Gummy he’s fun. He’s a really cool dude, And my number-one son. Happy birthday, Henry!