Delivery Day
Well, it didn’t happen on Friday. Late afternoon on Thursday, I received a text that my Model Y had not yet arrived in Kennesaw, so they would have to reschedule my delivery day. They suggested Saturday, but December 2 is Autumn’s birthday, and we had birthday things to do. And looking forward: the first days of the following week were also busy, as I had grades for three classes due on Monday, then the following two on Wednesday. Whatever, Monday it would be.
So, at about 12:30, I should be at Tesla in Kennesaw picking up my new Model Y. I worked all weekend to finish my grades for ENGL 5106 and ENGL 1101 which I did yesterday afternoon. After dropping Henry off at school promptly at 08:00, Giles and I will be on our way north.
What a perfect day. Truly. How often can you say that?
Giles and I had a great drive up: three hours of nice backroads gave us a chance to catch up. It seems as if we haven’t chatted in a while. I guess we haven’t, really. We got to talk about all the important things: cars, cameras, and computers.
We arrived at Fire Stone about 11:30 and had a great lunch. How long has it been since I had excellent Chinese food? There’s none in Macon, unfortunately. I had the Hunan chicken: it was spicy and flavorful. I want to try ten other menu items, so we will be going back. Oh, and my fortune was: “You will make a change for the better.” Oh, yeah.

And finally the moment had come: we arrived at Tesla a few minutes before my scheduled delivery time. I met Kayla who showed me to the car receiving its final electrons. It was a blue beauty and my name was on a piece of paper draped over the screen. It was waiting for me. After an inspection—I found only a bit of a dent on the A-column that was barely noticeable—Giles was off, and left me with the car.
I easily connected my phone, making it the key and linking to BlueTooth, got Apple Music working, and made my initial seat, steering wheel, and mirror adjustments. Then I was off.
So silent. So responsive. It’s as if the EV gods cleared my way: I don’t ever remember better traffic going through Atlanta. Peter Gabriel’s new I/O played as I glided down I-75, autosteer doing a remarkable job. I had a couple of fiddly things happen, like trying to respond to a text for the first time, but I managed to have the best drive I have ever had from Atlanta to Macon.
I had some time before I had to get Henry, so I went to the supercharger on Tom Hill and topped up. I left Tesla with 80% and had 54% arriving at the supercharger. It took 15 minutes to top back up to 80%, and I sat and sent some texts while I waited. No problem.
The car met with Henry’s approval, and I showed him a bit of how fast it is. It’s going to make a fun family travel car. I think Max will dig the glass roof.
What a great day. I look forward to finding out more about the Model Y. So far, so great!