Travel Day
We finally arrived about 20:30 after a long day’s drive in the rain. The downpour was so bad at some places, our usual route through the Smoky Mountain National Park via Newfound Gap was closed. This closure meant an hour detour skirting the park on its eastern boundary via I-40. By that point, Max had had enough—who could blame him—but after a quick stop, we were able to limp the rest if the way into Pigeon Forge. Henry did great. They both did great really—the boys are good travelers. We even picked up a disappointing take-out meal from Calhoun’s.

Our rental is nice: a condo on the top of a hill looking north-west. It’s just off the parkway on 321, so we’re really close to Dad. We usually get a cabin, but this year’s rental—Autumn had booked it far in advance—fell through because the owners sold it. Our money was refunded, but that left us without a place to stay at this busy time of year. Fortunately, Autumn was able to locate the condo last-minute. It’s less cabiny, but that suits me fine.
In other news, my Model Y delivery date is set: December 1 at 11:00! While Autumn said she’d take me, she worried about getting back in time to pick Henry up from school—don’t you know there are always traffic delays going through Atlanta. Always. She told me to ask Giles, since this is something that would “be more fun with him” anyway. Giles agreed, so we’re leaving early Friday morning on the first to retrieve my new gadget-on-wheels.
I made my downpayment last night. It’s more than I wanted to pay, and of course, they would not take a credit card. No matter, I had money I was saving for a Leica anyway. I was able to do this, too, from the Tesla app. I continue to appreciate the whole experience Tesla provides in buying a car. Other manufacturers could learn something from them—not only in the purchase, but in delivering upgrades. Make a good product, and it will sell itself. Tesla has brought the automobile into the digital age. I’m really looking forward to getting the car. I’m considering it my reward for a truly challenging semester.
Tomorrow we’re going to spend some time with Dad and Sharon and some relatives. I’m looking forward to a bit of downtime with family. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.