Peter Gabriel in Concert in Chicago!
Peter Gabriel did not disappoint. The concert was one of the best I’d ever seen, and Henry seemed to enjoy it, too. He played for three hours with a brief intermission. There was a lot of new stuff—including “Playing for Time,” “I/O,” and “Four Kinds of Horses”—three of my favorites—and a good selection of old stuff, like a rocking version of “Digging in the Dirt,” “Don’t Give Up,” and “Big Time.” Man, it was a great show. Thanks to Kip for going with us.

We spent the day before the show walking around Chicago. We didn’t really have much in mind to do, and it was a beautiful day, so we took the bus into the city, like we did on Friday before Kip’s arrival. We mostly stayed downtown, near the parks and the lake. The food was good both days, and we generally had a great time walking among the buildings run the early-fall. We had deep-dish pizza from Giordano’s on Friday, and Henry and Kip split a foot-long Chicago hot dog on Saturday. It was a lovely time.
Sunday was a travel day, but I’m happy to say it was relatively uneventful. The worst part was the traffic south of Atlanta, as I figured it would be. We were home by dinner, and I was beat. Max did great the whole trip, and he only got fussy close to home, as if he could sense it. This trip had some firsts for both boys: an airplane trip and a visit to Chicago.
I remember my dad taking me to see Maynard Ferguson when I was in 6th grade—a bit older than Henry is now. It made a big impact on me, both in m y choice of instrument and my appreciation for music. I’m hoping that Henry’s first concert resonates similarly with him. He was a bit too young to have made it to Rush, but PG is no slouch. Time will tell.