Happy Father’s Day
And it was a great one for me. We’ve been in Dayton, OH, for the last couple of days, first to celebrate Spencer’s completion of his residency on Friday night, and now to relax a bit after a hectic couple of days. Tomorrow, we’ll see Mom, and Tuesday—after a drive to Pigeon Forge—we’ll see Sharon and Dad. What a whirlwind trip, but I’m happy to report that Max has done great, despite the numerous traffic delays we unfortunately encountered—Atlanta being the worst.

We’ve done the usual so far: Graeter’s and Skyline (both twice), and of course we went to Cassano’s for pizza last night. I did a three-mile run this morning from our excellent AirBnB, just south of downtown Dayton. We’re near Carillon Historical Park by the Great Miami River, so I took advantage of that for a bit of much-needed movement. Of course we do not eat very healthily while traveling, so I had to make up for it a bit.
We finally got to meet Robertino, my new nephew, son of Spencer and Lisced. He’s about two months old than Max, but looks like a one-year-old. He’s a chill and curious baby. We sat the boys on the couch for a little photo. Max wasn’t feeling it, but I got one good shot with the iPhone.
I’m currently reading Ted Chiang’s Stories of Your Life and Others, and these stories are excellent. Why I have I not read Chiang until now—other than Story of Your Life a few years ago. So far, each has been a gem. I’ll have more to say about this soon.
Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there. I hope yours was as great as mine.