Welcome to NMAC 3108 covid-19: day 153 | US: GA | info | act

Good day, and welcome to the fall 2020 semester of WritDM, NMAC 3108 Writing for Digital Media. If you are reading this, you are registered for either section 81890 or 82501 of NMAC 3108; both are completely online (Online ⚠️). You have found your syllabus.
I do not use D2L; your syllabus and all of your assignments on on this website. In the menu bar up top, select For Students > Current Courses
to get to your syllabus from anywhere on this web site.
As of today, I have not finished all of your lessons for the term, but I do have enough posted to get you started. Most, if not all, should be complete by the end the month—in plenty of time for your uninterrupted progress through the course.
Please read your syllabus carefully to know what is expected of you this semester. You will have the opportunity to ask questions if you are confused, but everything you need is on this site or linked off of it. Careful reading is key to doing well. I recommend taking notes as you go; there will be reading quizzes along the way.
Again, welcome. I think you’ll enjoy our study of WritDM this semester: we’ll be woking on two real-world projects that you will feel proud to have been a part of but the end of the class. I look forward to working with you this semester. See you soon.