Leica SL! covid-19: day 268 | US: GA | info | act

Wwell, I did it. I found a very clean and lightly used Leica SL on eBay and took the plunge. Even though I had intended on just using the Fuji X-T30 for a while, I couldn’t not be a Leica owner. I’m pretty psyched to have a mirrorless camera with an EVF again. I already picked out my first lens (which I will save up to purchase): the Voigtlander 21mm f/1.8 Ultron.
I should have the camera next week. I need to get a helicoid adapter for my M lenses and a half case. All of the former ones on eBay are in China; I found a cool half case in England, but it’s a bit pricy. Yeah, what’s the point in including a “Make Offer” button when you don’t accept any offers? All three of my rwasionable offers were automatically declined.
I can’t wait for the SL. Merry Xmas to me.