Insomnia. Dread. covid-19: day 154 | US: GA | info | act

I was insomniac last night, dreading the return to campus tomorrow. I truly don’t believe it has come to this. I have not heard a single Georgia administrator’s voice in opposition to this insanity. So this is what it comes down to: they (the State) value money (the almighty Economy) above the lives of students, staff, and faculty. What other conclusion can be drawn here? Am I missing something?
Eric Stoller of Insider Higher Ed argues point-blank: “Keep Campus Closed - What Higher Ed is Too Afraid to Say”:
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For the collective well-being of people in this country, higher education institutions must not reopen this fall. This virus does not care about our efforts to find creative ways to reopen schools. It doesn't care about paychecks or football or res life. It will continue to harm our communities until we face the stark reality that our 'normal' has changed in countless ways. All the energy that's been invested in university-branded masks, athlete-only testing, and a hodgepodge of reopening dorm protocols needs to be aimed at the fight against COVID-19. The only way to stop a tidal wave of COVID-19 from killing many more people is for higher ed to not open back up. |
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I would like to encourage everyone to please: take care of yourself. Our government has failed us (not a surprise, really), so it is up to us individuals to be as safe as we can. Try to limit exposure as much as possible, and always take precautions. Be smart. We are on our own, it seems. Do what you need to protect yourself. I know I will be.