Project Mailer Update, 2020 covid-19: day 208 | US: GA | info | act
Outline for my panel presentation for the Norman Mailer Society Virtual Conference, 2020. Let me know if you want to help with any of the following:

- The Faith of Graffiti
- Written by my graduate students and me in the spring
- An official WP “Good Article”
- “Superman Comes to the Supermarket” on WP
- Discuss in the next panel
- Lipton’s Journal
- Looking for an intern or two to assist
- Everything still under construction, so anything here now could change
- Everything is annotated, either in-text or with links to Wikipedia
- Mailer/Lindner Correspondence
- Introduction by Susan Mailer
- Lipton’s General Introduction
- Historical, biographical, thematic, textual, and logistical
- Entries
- Trying to get a functional and logical presentation for the project
- Should be searchable, primarily
- May try to construct an index of names and ideas
- Student Editors
- The Mailer Review Volume 2
- Bib remains unfinished, but should be soon
- The Mailer Review Volume 2
- Proposal: New Page on WP: “Themes in Norman Mailer’s Work” (Initial Themes)
- Based on a similar page about Maya Angelou
- Multi-authored article submitted to The WikiJournal of the Humanities
- Posted on Wikipedia as its own article
- Updating the Recurring Themes section of Mailer’s WP entry.
How you can help
- Volunteer to remediate
- Volunteer as an intern for Lipton’s
- Volunteer to help on WP
- Article on NM’s Themes
- Wikiproject Mailer
- Educators: get your students involved