51 covid-19: day 151 | US: GA | info | act
“ | Midway upon the journey of our life |
” |
— Dante, Inferno, Canto 1, ll. 1–9 |
I turn 51 today. Here’s the state of things in this country.

- 170,000 Americans dead from COVID-19;
- $3 trillion deficit;
- 30 million unemployed;
- USPS in shambles;
- 3500+ average daily increase of new COVID-19 cases in Georgia;
- Georgia university campuses forced to open despite daily increases in COVID-19 cases;
- Billionaires became $650+ billion richer during the pandemic;
- Our climate is still deteriorating and we continue to ignore it and even exacerbate it;
- American protestors attacked by unidentified federal forces;
- Voter suppression confirmed by ’rump publicly;
- Senate won’t defend the Constitution;
- Immigration policy is still a mess, marred by racism and xenophobia;
- Anti-fascism is a bad thing;
- White supremists are now the leading terrorists, but ’rump calls them “very fine people”;
- A pedophile gets well wishes from ’rump;
- ’Rump cares more about Putin than he does US troops;
- Food bank lines are growing and there are still shortages of disinfectants and cleaning supplies;
- Science became irrelevant;
- The press is being attacked;
- Worst GDP decline in American history;
- US leads the world in COVID-19 deaths (neck-and-neck with Brazil) while many other countries, like New Zealand, reacted quickly and decisively to control the epidemic;
- Travel to many countries is closed to Americans;
- The world no longer looks up to the US; they pity us. Check the incredulity in this video.
I wish I had better news. Yes, my family is in better shape than many, and for that I am thankful, but if things continue to go the way they have been, I don’t know how much longer that will be true. I know at least one way to help in 76 days.