Morning Ride to Macon covid-19: day 88 | US: GA | info | act

This morning, I was up early for a morning ride home. I had a student schedule a 13:15 appointment with me, so I needed to get a move on. The day was moist, but clear; rain was forecast for the afternoon, so it was a nice ride back. Waze wanted to take me down the (awful) Fall Line Parkway, but I chose a more northerly route, as I knew it would be better.
I was correct and made pretty good time home. I stopped in Milledgeville for some coffee, but that was my only stop.
In all, it was a great trip. It felt pretty strong, though the end of each day of riding I was pretty tired. I had earned my meal and beer. Traveling this was does take a lot out of you, but I still think it’s worth it, even at 50. Hopefully, this is the first of many similar trips this decade.
24573 was the final reading on the odometer, meaning I covered 911 miles. I’m happy to report, too, that the GS performed flawlessly. Man, I love this machine.
All said, I was happy to see Autumn and Henry again. While I didn’t need time away even in these days of the pandemic, a bit of travel gives a new perspective to life and relationships. A bit of time and distance are healthy for clarity and a bit of reset. Thanks, family, for giving me that and all the rest.