Welcome to September 2020 covid-19: day 175 | US: GA | info | act

Starting out with some good news this morning: I’m down over a pound from my initial weigh-in yesterday. I know some of that is just residual from my cheat day, but it’s still nice to see.
I have 29 students in total in WritDM, and despite my telling them last week in my feedback to get started on their Project Mailer assignment, I have only 7 that have done so. Out of those 7, only one has even started the assignment. I know somehow it’s my fault, but I need to prepare for the déluge of last-minute requests and email excuses tomorrow for why they didn’t do it in time. Should I just assign them article myself? Should I make all the decisions? I really do think that’s what they want: just make it as easy as possible so we can get through this school thing and get on with what really matters.
I think my foul mood from last night has carried over.
To-Do List for September
- Write/Edit a combined introduction for Lipton’s Journal.
- Write/Revise my essay for the Review, volume 14.
- Finish my courses’ online components.
- Write a post on book 12 of the Odyssey, including a discussion of “children and fools.” This has been brewing for a while, so it should be ready to go.
- Make video for my Epic presentation. This would have to be done this week, since this is coming up.
- I’m sure I’m missing some things.