Drive Home covid-19: day 122 | US: GA | info | act

The drive north was uneventful. Autumn remarked that it seemed much shorter and quicker than our drive down. I have to agree. Other than some torrential rain near Brandon, it was truly an easy drive. We stopped at PDQ in Gainesville for some lunch (they used to have grilled fingers, but not anymore—BOO!) and just once again for a potty break and petrol fill-up in Hahira, GA. Gainesville had a great BLM mural on 34th Street that I wished I could have gotten some photos of. Kip’s son James will be matriculating there in the fall; I think he’ll dig it.
We arrived home around dinner time and had a nice evening. Henry discovered Mr. Bean, so we watched a couple of episodes of that. They’re pretty good, but nowhere near Blackadder quality. I know Atkinson does body humor very well, and I can see the appeal to children, but I like the “rapist wit” of BA. I need to get Autumn to watch Blackadder—so much better than Bean.
Kip and I texted a bit—after both of us had obviously had our happy hour. We talked about opening a bar/pizza place/brewery/coffee shop in Florida. How cool would that be? I’ll get to my Leica photos tomorrow.