A Meeting of the Minds: Norman Mailer and Marshall McLuhan covid-19: day 97 | US: GA | info | act

We’re getting pretty good at this. Sal, Nicole, and I took our “show on the road,” as Sal said, from last fall’s Norman Mailer Society conference to this spring’s Media Ecology Association’s convention. We showed part of the video The Summer Way’s “Norman Mailer and Marshall McLuhan” from 1967, and each of us reprized our revised talks from the fall.
It was a stimulating panel, though I wish it had been better attended. We had four in the audience, including McLuhan’s archivist. Thanks, again, to Nicole and Sal. Maybe we have the start of a recurring panel at the conference: “Mailer in the Media.”
UPDATE: The panel is now on video, if anyone is interested. The password is CC+C2020mea.