Work Work Work covid-19: day 114 | US: GA | info | act

I have finally finished our master index for Norman Mailer’s Lipton’s Journal. It was quite a bit of work and literally took me a whole year. Well, other things got in the way. Mike, Susan, and I are meeting via Zoom next week to see where we take it. I think the next step will be actually making the digital project. I have learned so much since Norman Mailer: Works and Days, so I feel I’m in a better position to make this excellent. Now, if I can just figure it out. I think Mike wants to publish it in book form for Mailer’s centennial in 2023. Should be no problem.
I’m also making progress on my guide for volunteer digital editors. I talked to Phil yesterday about my idea to have my students help this fall, and he thought it a great idea. Now, I just have to finish this guide. I hope to use this as a guide for Society members who want to help out. I might present it to them at the conference this fall.
The Mailer Review site needs some more work, too. Today, grading got in the way. 😉
I finally tweaked this journal so that my Journal category only contains subcategories. Again, this is something that I learned after starting to use my own installs of MediaWiki for PM and this site. I’m still loving it, and I don’t even get stressed anymore about updating the software.