Tweaks covid-19: day 170 | US: GA | info | act
Holy moly! The site now has a cool new dropcap. I came across a photo of one of my old blog designs that used a similar dropcap, and I thought, I can do that here. So, I found a retro, mid-century font, Fontdiner Swanky via Google Fonts, and incorporated it into this site with a bit of CSS and template magic. I even matched my site logo color. I think it looks pretty cool, and the capital H might be the best letter. I also used a templet to tweak the first few word off the sentence, if I want to. I dig these little touches and the flexibility of MediaWiki. I just wish I could design my own skin.
I spent the morning grading and encouraging my students to begin next week’s assignment early. So far, I have one who listened. I guess I procrastinated, too, as a college student—certainly as an undergrad. Yet, I think if a professor had advised me to begin something early, I certainly would have.
I spent the evening grilling meat for the week. Hard work, but now I have a variety to eat with my beans and spinach.
Henry and I are getting near the end of Clone Wars, and he’s asking me what comes next. I’m not sure he’s ready to see Anakin—his favorite character—become Darth Vader. I haven’t seen Revenge of the Sith since it came out, but I remember it being perhaps a bit too intense for a five-year-old. We’ll see. We have a few more episodes in season 6, then we have the final one. I’ll be sorry to see it end, but it makes me want to go beck through Star Wars: Rebels again. Since it takes place before the original trilogy, it looks like we’ll be getting to that soon.